rooted onto our shared lawn, 2023

kaolin epk, person, water bowl, metal bucket, Kendall lawn

This sculpture was built was all the 3 1/2 large buckets of kaolin epk I have left after three years (with the exception of the slip that sat in the glass bowl, as pictured). Starting around noon, finishing as the sun set- taking only a few breaks to drink water and eat lunch. The sculpture was broken down after the sun finally set. It was very hot that day, and it rained sporadically and gently. The kaolin that was left on the ground sat for two months, soaking themself into the dying grass in front of my house.


video from my dad after he accidentally stepped on the vessels


August 13, 2023-October 16, 2023

The smaller kaolin vessels, derived from the larger vessel, were left to soak into a small patch of dying grass in the front of my house over the course of two months.

August 14: my dad accidentally stepped on them and sent me a video documenting their condition.

August 15: it rained.

Throughout the rest of the two months I took photographs of what was becoming an entirely new environment.

October 16: my mom cleared the patch of grass and put cement circles on top of black mulch.


my dad discovering who the soil has become